Member-only story
A Life That’s Far Less Relentless
(It awaits you IF you don’t make this common mistake)…
One of the most common mistakes that I see my DYAL — (Discover Your Alternative Lifestyle) clients make before they arrive on my doorstep, is … Staying for too many years in a job that sucks the very soul out of them!
They do that because they’ve allowed themselves to fall into the very common trap of believing that what they are currently doing to earn a crust is what they will always have to do to earn a crust.
Trouble is, they can’t think what else they could even DO.
They tell themselves things like, “But this is all I know”, or “It’s too late for me to start doing something else now”.
Truth is, it’s way easier to do something that you actually enjoy doing in order to make a decent living than most people think.
But discovering that you CAN actually make more than you ever have before, while at the same time actually enjoying a far happier and less stressed way of life, is just the start.
When you discover how to think a little differently, how to look at things in just a slightly different way, you start to see opportunities everywhere. Because in truth, they ARE all around you.