Member-only story
A ‘Plan B’ Side Income Idea That Could Score You A Brand New Boat For FREE!
So how have things been going for you since we (virtually) spoke last anyway?
Had any more thoughts on how to make a little extra each month?
Sometimes just a little extra per month coming in can pay for the mortgage or even a very nice holiday somewhere hot and exotic, as well as paying those monthly bills that somehow seem to just get bigger each month (ask me about our last electricity bill, with the air-con being the main culprit)!
Anyway, having an extra income stream of your own can only help with all that can’t it?
That’s why I like to share ideas with you on various ways you can create that ‘Plan B’ side income for yourself.
How about a way to make a nice little (or big) side income from something that you buy, then sell on, but still get to keep!
Now, I could be talking about maybe a digital PLR (Private Label Rights) product, like an ebook, that you buy and can then sell on to as many others as many times as you want. That’s a good model.
It’s not that though.
What I’m talking about here is the huge and relatively ‘easy to get into’ opportunity that is….