Are you too busy making a living to have a LIFE?

Roy Carter
2 min readAug 18, 2020

Are you just laying the bricks that will build your cell?

Photo by Ferran Feixas on Unsplash

Think about this for a second…

Are you too busy making a living to have a LIFE?

Are you just laying the bricks that will build your cell?

Working a 9–5 that makes you miserable and where you feel like you’re just ‘coasting’?

If that is you right now, OR if you are between jobs, take some time out to seriously consider what could happen next for you if you started to actually design your own life and write your own future story.


Because nobody is coming to rescue you.

Not your Mom, Dad, the government, or anyone else.

Whether you like it or not, change starts and ends with YOU.

But deep down inside you know that though, right?

All I’m saying is to give what you do next the serious consideration it deserves.

Most people just coast through life doing something for a living that they are just putting up with to pay the bills.



Roy Carter

Founder of monthly newsletter sent from my home on Magnetic Island — ‘A Quaint Little Drinking Island With A Fishing Problem! ‘