Discover YOUR Alternative Lifestyle!

Roy Carter
2 min readMay 22, 2022

The 10 biggest mistakes that will keep you trapped, if you let them.

Photo of author — Roy Carter

The 10 biggest mistakes that will keep you trapped, if you let them:- (See if any of them sound familiar)…

1. Believing that what you do now for a living has to be what you always will do for a living.

2. Not having total clarity about where you are right now in all elements of your life.

3. Not having total clarity about where you actually want to be and what you TRULY want from life.

4. Not understanding that there are masses of income generating opportunities that are everywhere around you, if only you knew how to spot them by looking at things differently.

5. Not having even started creating your own detailed escape plan. (HINT:- Having no plan means you will forever stay stuck where you are in your life and lifestyle right now).

6. Continuing to just ‘go through the motions’ every single day because you believe that’s what you have to do.

7. Believing that there is nothing else you could do for a living that would make you happy, because you don’t have a clue what else you could do.

8. Letting yet another day, week, month, year go by without doing anything to change your life for a happier one.



Roy Carter

Founder of monthly newsletter sent from my home on Magnetic Island — ‘A Quaint Little Drinking Island With A Fishing Problem! ‘