Does It Feel Like You’re Headed For Burnout?

Roy Carter
3 min readNov 9, 2022

(There is a life out there for you that is way less relentless).

Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash

Do you feel like you’re headed for burnout? Maybe not. Maybe all is hunky dory in your working life?

For me though, I didn’t even realise that I was headed for burnout all those years ago.

Yes, I felt super busy all the time, often exhausted and stress was just part of dealing with the job, or so I thought.

Your body telling you though, may be your first warning sign that you are headed for burnout and meltdown (and for some, the last warning they will ever get).

A bit dramatic? Actually, no.

Just this year, a guy we know here on the island where I live, who ran a holiday resort here with his wife, was walking across the grass towards his home when…

BANG! He was hit with a massive heart attack. Dropped dead, right there on the spot.

The whole thing was caught on CCTV and sadly seen by his wife the following day.

Totally unexpected. He was late fifties, early sixties perhaps. No warning. Just gone in an instant. Leaving behind a shell-shocked wife and family.

We’ve no doubt all heard stories like this, but we just feel sorry for the relatives and go right ahead back to our…



Roy Carter

Founder of monthly newsletter sent from my home on Magnetic Island — ‘A Quaint Little Drinking Island With A Fishing Problem! ‘