Member-only story
Freelancers! — Why Does It Have To Be YOU That Does All The Work?
(HINT:- It doesn’t and here’s why)…
As we all know, doing freelancing work definitely has it’s ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ doesn’t it?
You get to be your own boss for a start.
That means that you don’t have to report to anyone, (other than perhaps your bank manager) and nobody tells you what time you must start your working day, where you have to work from, when you can take a coffee break and when you can finish work for the day and go home.
You have no bossy boss to boss you around. 😉
You also don’t have anyone telling you when and for how long you can take a vacation.
Let’s face it, all those things are likely to be what attracted you to the world of freelancing in the first place, right?
What nobody told you though (bastards!), is that your ever increasing and often overwhelming workload would mean that you WOULD be bossed around and told when to start work and when to stop etc.
Only this time the person bossing you around like that would be YOU, (or at least your subconscious, ‘I must meet these deadlines’, mind).
Sound familiar?
You suddenly come to realize that running your own business, with just you as the…