“One simple word that can lead you to a million dollar lifestyle!”

Roy Carter
4 min readNov 16, 2019

And that simple, but massively powerful word is…

Photo by manu schwendener on Unsplash

I want to talk a bit about that simple little word, attitude in this article.

You see, it’s your attitude towards things and life in general that can make a huge difference to your life. A huge difference.

Here’s an example of how just looking at things a little differently and changing your attitude can make a huge difference…

Me to business client: “Instead of telling me about the problems your business is having, why don’t we look at what assets your business has that might be leveraged.”

Soon after….A business with a very worried owner facing bankruptcy has changed his outlook and his attitude and within three short months turned around and is bringing in over £100,000 a year, soon to grow to five times that. All debts paid off within next five months, on agreed arrangement and a business owner with renewed vigor and fire in his belly.

He’ll be on target to a million dollar lifestyle within the next couple of years, simply because he changed his attitude and outlook as to whether his glass was half full, or half empty.

You see, your attitude can affect not only your happiness, but your income too and also things like what kind…



Roy Carter

Founder of www.LettersFromASmallisland.com monthly newsletter sent from my home on Magnetic Island — ‘A Quaint Little Drinking Island With A Fishing Problem! ‘