Member-only story
“Unusual Money-Making Ideas Are Everywhere! — BUT, Should You Do Them?”
When you are an internet marketer, or an entrepreneur (or whatever the heck I am), you tend to notice the sometimes weird ways that people are making money.
I don’t stick a label on myself or what I do. I hate labels. I just think of myself as a normal bloke who doesn’t like other people telling him what to do, so would be absolutely unemployable these days. Therefore, I try to do what I enjoy doing and earn a crust from that
What I’ve found is that old Zig Ziglar was right. He said that if you can find a way to help other people get what THEY want, then earning a decent income will just happen naturally as a result of that.
What’s more, in my case I get a massive kick out of helping other people to improve their incomes and lifestyles. So, I don’t really think of what I do as ‘work’, because how can doing something you love doing be described as work?
So, the key is to find a way to help other people achieve something that is important to them and you will be well rewarded if you get good at doing that.
One absolutely key piece of advice I will give you though, is that you MUST be ethical in everything that you do. You MUST be able to look yourself in the mirror and know 100% that you are doing the right thing for your clients or customers.
That means that you avoid doing things ‘Just to make money’, even though it feels wrong. Don’t do that shit. Just don’t…