Why ‘The Law of Attraction’ Is Complete Bollocks!

Roy Carter
4 min readJul 9, 2021

(No offence).

Photo by Brandon Atchison on Unsplash

Just so we are clear, the dictionary definition is:-





1. the testicles.

2. nonsense; rubbish (used to express contempt or disagreement, or as an exclamation of annoyance).

For the avoidance of doubt, I’m referring in the title of this article to the number ‘2’ dictionary definition.

As you may know about me by now, if you have followed my thoughts and meanderings for any length of time, I’m pretty down to earth and I like to keep things simple. Particularly when it comes to making money online or off.

But in life in general I also like the simpler, calmer, less stressful way of life too.

Simple is best pretty much always, don’t you think? I mean why do something (like earning your crust) in a complicated way, when you can do it an easier, more simple way?

You may also know about me that I’m not into all this ‘whoo whoo and rah rah’ shit either.

I think ‘The Law of Attraction’ is complete bollocks.



Roy Carter

Founder of www.LettersFromASmallisland.com monthly newsletter sent from my home on Magnetic Island — ‘A Quaint Little Drinking Island With A Fishing Problem! ‘